Amy Cuddy would say so. Below is a super cool TedTalk that she gave a few years ago, in which she discusses her research on how body language not only changes the way people are perceived by others, but also the way we perceive ourselves! What I mean by that, is she suggests that our body language may actually influence our hormone production--including stress hormones, such as cortisol. I don't know about you, but I am all for an easy way to control the output of stress hormones in my day to day life! Check out her video below, if you have time today!
Here's where I post my latest thoughts, books I'm reading and things that are inspiring me--that will hopefully inspire you too!
A what? A struggle switch?! What the heck is that? Imagine if your mind has a switch that gets flipped on every time you feel a certain unwanted emotion. Anxiety for instance. Or sadness. How about anger? Imagine that switch gets flipped when we react to these typical human emotions. We feel anxious. We notice the anxiety. Then we get anxious about anxiety. Now we've got a double dose of anxiety! That's the glorious side effect of having a fantastically sophisticated human brain! Has that ever happened to you? I know it's happened to me.
Now that you know you have one, would you like help in turning off your Struggle Switch? Different modes of therapy can help with that!