SoulCollage® is a transformative and creative process developed by Seena B. Frost that combines images, intuition, and personal reflection to create unique collaged cards. Each card represents a different aspect of ourselves and our experiences, making it a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.
I really love SoulCollage® because it allows people to access their own wisdom through the gateway of images. Our minds all have incredible depth! SoulCollage® meets you wherever you are on this journey called life. You don’t have to be an artist to make SoulCollage® cards. Anyone can create and enjoy this powerful practice. I was fortunate to be introduced to this practice many, many years ago by my dear mother and became a SoulCollage® facilitator myself to have the opportunity to share this practice with my clients and with other groups. I have found this to be a powerful tool to aid with a lot of deep therapy work or self inquiry. If you’re curious, ask me more about this!
The SoulCollage® process revolves around creating cards organized into four suits. Each suit represents a different aspect of our inner and outer lives, allowing us to explore and understand ourselves from multiple perspectives.
Cards are made by finding and cutting images (magazines or recycled books) and then combining against against a new background image, into a collage, and putting them on a card of about 5x8 inches. A SoulCollage deck consists of four suits:
1. The Committee Suit: This suit represents the different parts of ourselves that make up our internal committee. We all have various "committees" within us, such as the Inner Critic, the Nurturer, the Adventurer, or the Wise Self. Through creating cards that embody these different committee members, we can gain insight into their roles, their messages, and their impact on our lives.
2. The Community Suit: This suit represents the people, animals, or other beings who have significantly influenced our lives or with whom we identify. These cards may represent family members, friends, mentors, or even beloved pets. The Community Suit helps us explore the connections we have formed and the qualities we admire or seek within our relationships.
3. The Companion Suit: This suit represents the archetypes or qualities we admire, aspire to, or embody within ourselves. These cards can represent characters from mythology, historical figures, or any archetype that resonates with us. Creating cards in the Companion Suit allows us to tap into the universal qualities that we admire or want to explore within ourselves.
4. The Council Suit: This suit represents transpersonal, spiritual, or divine forces that guide and support us on our life's journey. Cards in the Council Suit can embody deities, angels, spiritual guides, or any higher power that speaks to us. Creating cards in the Council Suit helps us connect with our spiritual selves and access the wisdom and guidance present beyond our conscious awareness.
The benefit of SoulCollage® lies in its ability to facilitate self-exploration, personal insight, and healing. Through engaging with the images, symbols, and archetypes present in our cards, we can access parts of ourselves that may be hidden or overlooked. The process taps into our intuition and invites us to listen to our inner wisdom, making it a powerful tool for self-discovery and self-empowerment.
By creating and reflecting on our SoulCollage® cards, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, our relationships, and our spiritual connection. The process provides a tangible visual representation of our inner world, enabling us to engage with our emotions, beliefs, and desires in a meaningful and transformative way.
Overall, SoulCollage® offers a creative and intuitive practice that encourages self-reflection, deepens self-awareness, and supports personal growth. It provides a gentle and accessible way to explore the complex tapestry of our lives, allowing us to embrace all aspects of ourselves with compassion and curiosity.
Here is one of my personal cards, made for my first dog & love, Frasier! He is part of my Community Suit!